Thursday, February 17, 2011


Here's the poster I made for the screening. Woo!

Anyway, thesis is coming... I've been shooting a lot of things under the oxberry. I've composited a first pass which I still have to roto. But I think it's looking okay. I think the roto will make it less chaotic. I will have to take care of that transparency problem. The pink dude is going to turn into the 2D boy when he fades. I'm contemplating flash more and more. I have more assets I have yet to composite... like the running scene in the clouds. We'll see if I can get it up before tomorrow's presentation.

I also fixed the light pops here and composited a background on the green screen.

I work best with blasting music cause then I don't think about my distractions and can just paint forever. So yeah! I'm stoked to keep going.

PS I hate these blogger columns that don't show anything fully.

1 comment:

  1. The poster looks amazing! If you haven't done so already, can you send an image of it to Kathy,Daphne and Lisa? I just want to make sure everything that needs to be listed is on there. We should talk about your roto-compositing process. I may have some tips for you.
