Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Alas! Thesis is no longer sleepless!

I am done and have caught up on sleep. Thank you all for tuning in to this loopy blog. :)
This was an interesting experience with many highs and lows... definitely one of the most long term projects I've ever attempted. Time will tell whether it will be well received! But! I can say this: I've learned a lot about time management, organizing and planning. Something to cherish for a lifetime.

Monday, April 11, 2011

yet another edited checklist

1. FINAL animation boy and rooster tongue scene
2. get nelson's eyes & composite them (NEXT WEDNESDAY)
3. rough boy and rooster to desert scene
4. trace juggle scene
5. trace tiki scene
6. rough animation boy and rooster juggle scene
7. trace final rooster scene
8. rough animation tiki scene
9. rough animation rooster scene
10. color err'thing.. yknow.. no big deal @_@
11. add magic juice to worm scene
12. add magic juice to blow scene
13. be jealous of lives without looming never ending work, enjoying their youth and their last semester in college

also talked to musa about stop mo parts and reviewed what could be better!

Monday, April 4, 2011


- run cycle for rooster
- run cycle for boy
- take eyes of df open scene
- trace each scene (x10)

Sunday, March 27, 2011

updated list

  • Ask for feedback on timing
  • Part 3 Comp - Composite eyes for dragonfruit open scene
  • pipe man face
  • Do rough sound editing for pt 1 and 3
  • - send to music person to edit
  • Composite cubes onto Juggle shot
  • Add zooms on tongue shot
  • do one rough roto

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Mental (and now digital) check list

  • Make better title design - with paint stuff
  • Ask for feedback on timing
  • Part 3 Comp - Composite eyes
  • - time it
  • pipe man face
  • Do rough sound editing for pt 1 and 3
  • - send to music person to edit
  • Composite cubes onto Juggle shot
  • Add zooms on tongue shot
  • do one rough roto
  • Rough Credits

Saturday, March 19, 2011

False Advertising


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

my two days are over

I finished the up until the outro scene. No one should ever try and attempt what I did... sleep and eating are important. Also important before job interviews. I feel like death right now.
I hope the 19th I can finish the rest... or I'm thinking of camping outside the oxberry room this week and asking how long people are using it for.

I still think it's unreasonable that it's booked for a month and a half. But I am cranky right now so the world is not working with me.